000 02 141 00 Agri Express
Left blade 245mm
000 02 143 00 Agri Express
Right blade 245mm
000 02 131 00 Agri Express
Left blade, new type 160mm
000 02 133 00 Agri Express
Right blade, new type 160mm
000 02 043 00 Agri Express
133mm center blade
DIN 608 12x30 Agri Express
Blade screw 12x30
000 02 000 03 Agri Express
Disc cut Ø635/ screw spacing 140/100
450 40 040 00 Agri Express
1. Bar tape 750mm/P32/271+1 bars
450 36 040 00 Agri Express
1. Bar tape 750mm/P36/241+1 bars
450 38 040 00 Agri Express
1. Bar tape 750mm/P40/217+1 bars
450 42 040 00 Agri Express
1. Bar tape 750mm/P45/193+1
000 05 310 00 Agri Express
Drive wheel P32/18 teeth B=35
000 05 300 00 Agri Express
Drive wheel P36/16 teeth B=35
000 05 320 00 Agri Express
Drive wheel P40/14 teeth B=35
000 05 330 00 Agri Express
Drive sprocket P45/14 teeth
000 03 002 00 Agri Express
Turning roller ø90/130/M20
000 03 030 00 Agri Express
Principal roll of volk. Ø100/40/m20
015 05 000 00 Agri Express
Support roller Ø64/25/M10
000 03 003 00 Agri Express
Support roller with flange ø100/150/50/M20
000 03 004 00 Agri Express
Support roll with a volk collar. Ø100/140/50/M20
000 15 020 00 Agri Express
Roller cutting m20 Wulk.
450 53 245 00 Agri Express
haulm tape 850mm/P210/29+1 bars
000 08 100 01 Agri Express
Drive wheel 215/65/P35/hole 30mm
000 03 020 00 Agri Express
Turning roller ø140/180/60/M20
000 03 025 00 Agri Express
Rear turning roller ø100/150/60/M20
000 03 016 01 Agri Express
Roller cover Ø64/25
SR-302 UK 100 Agri Express
PVC tensioner roller SR-302 UK 100
453 58 622 00 Agri Express
PVC tape 700mm/P32/62+1 rods
453 58 624 00 Agri Express
PVC tape 700mm/P36/54+1 rods
453 58 626 00 Agri Express
PVC tape 700mm/P40/49+1 rods
453 58 628 00 Agri Express
PVC tape 700mm/P45/44+1 rods
400 08 000 07 Agri Express
Drive wheel Ø120/155/hole 25mm
000 20 000 08 Agri Express
Drive wheel Ø120/155/hole 25mm
453 58 600 00 Agri Express
Hedgehog tape H-Profile 900/P40/77 rods
453 58 605 00 Agri Express
Hedgehog tape V-Profile 900/P42/73 rods
000 03 016 00 Agri Express
Support roller volcano. ø64/25/M20
000 20 000 07 Agri Express
Drive wheel Ø140/180/hole 30mm